Saturday 28 July 2012

Training: The Start Of The Journey

Training: 18th - 22nd of July, 2012

Part of the family

I depart for the Dominican Republic on the 11th of August! In about two weeks, I and my board a plane in Aberdeen and by the end of the day will be in Santo Domingo, the capital of the D.R. After that, we board a bus to Barahona, and then are driven to La Hoya, the village we will call home for the next twelve months!

I met my partner Becky about a week ago, at training on the Isle of Coll. She'll be teaching Art while I teach English at a primary school in La Hoya. Coll feels more and more familiar everytime I go back. Selection a year ago was fun and a crazy whirlwind of excitement and the hope for adventure. Training was more serious, a time to meet my partner and learn about the work I'd be doing. I learned a lot and had a great time with Becky, which I hope bodes well for our year together.

I'm massively excited about my year overseas, although I would be lying to say I wasn't terrified as well. One of the parts I'm most looking forward to is teaching, especially the younger children.

I'll be updating this blog regularly with my news and stories from the Dominican Republic and my travels. I'll be uploading pictures to my flickr account ptbrg and there's already some from training.

I'm really excited and hope to stay in touch with everyone!

(Project Trust waves goodbye to us from the pier!)
Our last goodbye to Coll